Before embarking on the rehabilitation or renovation of any building, it is essential to undertake a sound preliminary study, in order to determine the current state of the building and the scope of the actions to be carried out; the level of intervention must be commensurate with the real state of the building, so the necessary tests must be carried out previously in order to have the greatest possible knowledge of the situation.

To do this, we must carry out informative tests, consisting of extraction of cores from the concrete structure, pillars, beams and ring beams of each floor, which can be complemented with data gathered using a sclerometer or ultrasound, in order to cover the largest number of elements. Samples will also be necessary to know the composition of each construction element of the building, taking into account that many properties (given their age) do not have sufficiently detailed information in the original projects (in some cases there is no or practically no documentation available). We will also be able to assess the extent of damage to the structural elements with these samples

With this data to hand, we will be able to prepare an exhaustive pathology report, focused on ensuring that we have all of the necessary information about the property, before deciding what works are desirable or needed.


A document that certifies the state in which the building is currently found. The state of preservation of the property is reviewed, such as the construction elements and utility installations, energy efficiency, carrying out the Energy Efficiency Certification, accessibility and a brief outline of options for its improvement.

A resumé of the possible pathologies detected classifying their severity will be made, determining whether the damage be minor, moderate or urgent. It is important to appreciate that this is a visual inspection, carried out through a program provided by the Department of Housing, IEEV.CV. Once done, it is registered with the Generalitat Valenciana (Regional Authority).

Furthermore, it is a necessary certification if you wish to apply for a grant toward the preservation and refurbishment of a property, which may be made available annually by the Generalitat Valenciana.


In construction, the surveyor’s report is an essential tool to be able to determine the cause or causes of any pathology, propose its repair and calculate the economic value of its realisation. Knowledge and experience are key when it comes to preparing a valid report, which is explanatory and defendable. It must contain objective data and the information required to justify the conclusions of said report.

It must be written in clear language and accompany accurate documentation.


Architecture Studio

C/ Loreto 6 planta 2

Gandía (Valencia)

(+34) 96 202 23 39



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